How to Resign

The Resign option only available when you unstake an amount that impacts the Masternode status (less than 50,000 VIC tokens). This option is triggered if the total staked tokens in the pool exceed 66%

Steps to Resign a Pool

Step 1: Please select the pool and proceed with the unstaking process as instructed in the How to Unstake

Step 2: The system will trigger the voting if the staker unstakes an amount that affects Masternode status (less than 50,000 VIC tokens). Confirm this action to proceed.

Step 3: On the Voting screen, you’ll see the pool name and your voting amount. Click Vote to submit your resignation vote.

The Resgination procedure will take 30 days to complete. During this period, if another user stakes more VIC than the previous staker, the node will resume regular operations. The prior stakeholder will be allowed to withdraw the funds after two days of locking.

If the node's status is changed to Resigned, the user will be unable to stake further VIC to the node and will see the message Unavailable to stake

In the scenario when you have already triggered the resignation, another stakeholder has staked in the system. The status will then be refreshed from Voting for Resign(Pending) so that it returns to normal. At this point, you can unstake normally.

  • If the user voted to resign and staked additionally after, then your current voting will be reverted

  • If the resignation was triggered but the quantity of voting did not reach 66%, the node remains pending and operates normally.

Votes tab

If you have any on-going vote to resign from a pool, a red dot will be displayed on the tab, even if you’re not on the Votes page.

To check ongoing votes, click the Go to Pool button, which will redirect you to the Voting page for detailed information.

Once your vote is completed, you can access the Completed section to identify which pools have successfully resigned.

For additional details, you can click the View Voter List button. This allows you to filter and search for any voter's address within the entire list. You can also check the Latest Sign Block for more information.

How to Vote for Resign Pool

If you attempt to stake in a pool that is currently undergoing a resignation vote, a notification page will be displayed. This page will offer you the option to cast a vote.

After completing your action, a message will appear, reflecting the outcome based on the specific scenario.

In the Rewards section, the Resigned status will be displayed on the history panel, and all voting actions will be tracked

The default filter will show only activated stakes in the Rewards section. However, you can choose to filter by All, Available, or Resigned pools as needed. In the Rewards screen, you can identify any pools you are staking in that are currently undergoing a voting process through the indicators provided.

The Block column indicates the block number associated with each transaction. For actions like Vote, Stake, Claim, Unstake, or Harvest, the block value reflects the current block number.

If you perform an Unstake action, a tooltip will display (e.g., Withdraw Block: #8222114). The withdraw block is determined based on the impact on the Masternode status:

  • If the action does not impact the Masternode status (less than 50,000 VIC tokens)), the withdraw block will be calculated as the current block plus 86,400 blocks (2 days).

  • If the action impacts the Masternode status (e.g., during a resignation process), the withdraw block will follow the specific voting for resignation process.

You can now click on the Withdrawal Block to see when you can withdraw your tokens.

For example, you can check this block on :


How long does it take to complete the resignation process?

It takes 30 days for the resignation to be fully processed. If the total voted tokens in the pool exceed 66%, you will need to wait an additional two days before you can withdraw your funds.

Can I stake more VIC after voting to resign?

Yes, you can, but if you stake more VIC after voting to resign, your current vote will be canceled.

What happens if someone stakes more VIC while I'm resigning?

If another user stakes more VIC during your resignation, the node status will reset from "Voting for Resign (Pending)" back to normal, and you can unstake normally.

How do I check if my resignation has been successful?

You can manually check the resignation status on the deFusion dashboard at the Voters Tab to track ongoing resignations.

What happens if the resignation is triggered but voting does not reach 66%?

The node will remain pending and continue to operate normally. The resignation process requires 66% voting to be completed.

Last updated