How to manage Rewards & Staked Amount

The Rewards page, a summary page on the deFusion platform, displays user activity such Overview, Activated Stakes, and Transaction History.


This section of the profile page provides a summarized view of essential information relevant to the user's engagement with the staking activities

  • MY TOTAL STAKED: This is the total value the user had staked in deFusion

  • MY SVIC BALANCE: The total available SVIC for a specific user.

  • TOTAL CLAIMABLE: The total VIC that the user can claim after unlock from un-stake or pool resign

    + Unstake scenario: The user had unstake an amount which the pool capacity is still >= 50,000 VIC (The unstake amount will be pending for 2 days & change status to claimable)

    + Resign scenario: The user had unstake an amount which the pool capacity is still < 50,000 VIC (The unstake amount will be pending for 30 days & change status to claimable)

  • MY REWARDS: Total rewards had been credited to an user for staking activities

Activated Stakes

Prefers to a section on the user's profile page that displays information about the staking activities in which the user is currently engaged

  • Pool name: Name of the staking pool.

  • Annual Percentage Rate (APR): Annual interest rate for staking in the pool.

  • Total Value Staked: Aggregate value of assets staked in the pool.

  • Stakers: Total count of users staking in the pool.

  • State and status of the pool: Current operational status of the pool.

  • My Staked Amount: User's contribution to the pool's total stake.

  • My Rewards: rewards earned by the user from their stake in the pool

  • Claimable: The total VIC that the user can claim after unlock from un-stake or pool resign for this pool


To present a chronological record of the user's past transactions within the platform or service

  • Transaction type: Type of transaction (e.g., deposit, withdrawal).

  • Hash: Unique identifier for each transaction.

  • Timestamp of the transaction: Date and time when the transaction occurred.

  • Transaction amount: Quantity or value of assets transacted in the transaction.

Last updated